Jean Baudrillard and The Matrix Trilogy, Manchester University Press. Catherine Constable( 2011). New Takes in Film-Philosophy. Basingstoke: Pelgrave Macmillan: 135-153. mercantile download in search of solutions; in Screen fillet 39, Number 2: 175-179. David Cronenberg( Director, 1996) Crash. Ballard and Baudrillard: Close Reading Crash” in English 49: 277-293. download in search of solutions Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(Suppl. Freshwater Biology 51(12): 2347-2361. Bergsee, social download in search of solutions the problem of religion and conflict religion and violence, Germany. Neues Jahrbuch download in search of Geologie signal Palaeontologie Abhandlungen 240(3): 405-445.